Access to Coverage: Executive Summary

Access to Coverage:
Results from Four Years of Grant-Making
A Program Designed and Supported by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation

In April 2013, 8.2 percent of Minnesotans (445,000) had no health insurance. Rates of uninsurance were significantly higher among Minnesotans of color. Research showed that a majority of those lacking health care coverage were likely eligible for one of the two public health care programs: Medical Assistance (MA) or MinnesotaCare (MNCare). Since that time, the number of uninsured persons has been cut nearly in half, in large measure due to the enrollment of persons in public health care programs.* The Access to Coverage grantees have played a significant role in the expanding health care coverage to low-income persons. Grantees have served more than 85,000 persons statewide and have reported enrollments to date of 40,239 persons. Additionally, the grantees have played leadership roles in training navigators statewide, and in informing public policy and necessary improvements in the MNsure system. Importantly, each of the grantee organizations has expanded its staffing and reorganized services to make health care enrollment a fully integrated, continuing part of service delivery.

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