Blue Cross Foundation Announces $700,000 Funding Opportunity

EAGAN, Minn. (Feb. 4, 2016) — The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation today announced a funding opportunity for up to a total of $700,000 to further health equity in communities across Minnesota. Healthy Communities:Health Equity in Action provides grants ranging from $25,000 to $100,000 each per year, and applicants can apply for one- or two-year grants.

“Our goal is to support organizations led by and serving the geographic, racial and ethnic communities that are experiencing the greatest health disparities,” saidFoundation Executive Director Carolyn Link. “The communities themselves are in the best position to articulate priorities, generate solutions and implement approaches to achieve health equity.”

The Foundation’s mission is to make a healthy difference in communities by advancing health equity and improving conditions where people live, learn, work and play. The Foundation seeks to fund community solutions that advance one or more of our strategic aims:

  • Equitable systems — Systems are equitable and easily navigated. Community members are positioned and supported to fully participate in community life.
  • Stable lives — Everyone in a community is engaged and supported, and has access to the resources they need to lead astable life.
  • Social connections — Community members have increased connectedness, confidence, self-efficacy and opportunity to bring about change.
  • Vibrant communities — Health considerations are at the forefront of community decisions, and core community organizations define their role as advancing health equity.

For more information on Blue Cross’ grantmaking programs, call (651) 662-3950 or toll free at 1-866-812-1593, or visit our website.

Media Contact:
Shelley Lange
(651) 662-7841

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation exclusively dedicates its assets to improving health in Minnesota, awarding more than $41.5 million since it was established in 1986. The Foundation’s purpose is to make a healthy difference in communities by advancing health equity and improving conditions where people live, learn, work and play.